Every day, I used a concept of fashion... Giydiklerimize giving directions, ‘I never giymem'i biopower eco clothing, some of the changing trends for the sake of every year, a huge wardrobe changed, made in the fashion shows of the post-dummies/fashion designers in each other, which reduces and more come to mind many things...
fashion himself worthy to wear, to you, coming out of things to him yakistirmasi? Or giydiklerimiz “us” or reflects or “we want to be”?
Perhaps the fashion and all of them, both of them, none of the... Environment-specific jointly life, behaving in a way of thinking, new everything that is connected to a real... Because of fashion in the absence of a place, and the influence of the behavior, time zone, or the community of the question. Historians in all societies, jewelry, and clothing decorative feature of transport, as well as the wealth of a default religious or social status icons to indicate that the humanity.
In the last 30 years, the fashion, the evolution of the society, to the contemporary division of parallelism, showing the diversity of the increase of the social groups, the complex relationships between different social groups of the communication between the growth of the direction. The dominant style changes, different classes of people quickly transmitted. In this process, the upper class, the people as a model played a major role.
Society of social classes, and between this fragmentation of fashion in 3 separate categories of the development of the cause: the luxury designer fashions, industrial fashion and street style. This 3 category of a weak bond to connect to the Street-style luxury designer style on both industrial fashion on some of its effects.
This 3 category relations between the importance of various fashion organizations and their customers, relations based on.
the world of fashion centers in Paris, New York and London from different angles importance. In each of the countries of fashion designers of only one species, the role of support, just as themselves artist, artist-craftsmen or as an entrepreneur, seeing as...
Most of the lifestyle expert in the New York designers, the specific way of life, showing that the real or imaginary clothes in creating the master. London designers to work with young people in close contact, fashion style which affect different popular cultures yaraticilarla with them and gain getirenden very ugly, destructive and untested projections of the environment.
fashion resources, flows throughout the history of the change showed a very affected by the event. At the end of these also karmasiklasmaya started. On a historical basis fashion look at the history of these changes, and the effects can understand better.
in 1920...havailik, abundance, and the indifferent behavior of time...
1. World war, the end of the people to be free, have fun in the process. During this period, the mid-1800s worn the clothes of the men daily clothes posed. Colored shirts, wearing on the geometric patterns, lines, which ties takiyorlardi.
women clothing style is independence movement was significantly affected. Because in the West, women's equality and political rights for the war they were, in effect, this war is the most "fashionable" in the phrase of women in the outer appearance and the dressing. Curly, staple staple places of hair short and comfortable sectors of the left. Frills, farbalalarin instead of simplicity and convenience in one plandaydi... Dress in addition to the posture of the figures, hair and cosmetic industry is also developed. In this, the film industry and the artistlerinde has had significant effects.
In men, the official night clothes reminiscent of the mantle had tails, their hats, accompanied. Smokinin popularity gradually increases considered not yet seen. The official night of the clothes under the black leather shoes giyiliyordu.
The knee is connected to the pants “knickerbockers” (later “knickers” clipped) well-dressed men in popular giysisiydi. Paltolara big patch pockets, belts is inserted, one button, and usually epaulette with the used. Men's shoes is “knickers”with compatible.
in 1925, plenty of trousers appeared in the men's fashion clothes till 30 years impacted. Oxford bags for the first time in the universities knickers on the yasaklamalarini drill enthusiastic Oxford by the students of the worn.
20 in the early women are more abundant and high-certain outfits, was preferred. Clothes bel time up to the hips, although plenty of cutting a further period of sovereignty continued.
Ereklerde the jazz wear very quickly, fashion, and then disappeared. This is also in fashion jackets, long and tight certain, the longer the back yirtmacliydi. The buttons are very often dikiliydi.
Tweed clothes this time gained popularity. Fluffy woven woolen fabric meant. Later this term in the home-woven wool is being used.
Also in the 20's of the button of the year. in 1893, patentlenen zipper is up to 30%, so widely used.
in 1925, the belsiz clothes appeared, the fight of freedom does not stop women on the outskirts of the index is a little, until the bottom of the descending pleated skirts great demand of the office. However, in 1928, in the style again to a change of clothes into the body started to sit.
The most used woven material of cotton and wool, was high because of the quality of ipege demand the price because of this limited level. This period in the mid-artificial silk appeared and natural whichever is started to be used in.
women's high fashion (haute couture) center as it is now Paris'ti. However, men clothes from London etkileniyordu. In france, the fashion designer innovations easy't accept all male fashion magazines in London style and trends.
During this period, the men of the other popular cloth breeches. Flannel woolen clothes means. Flannel as the original heavy, comfortable, soft made a light sleep giysisiydi. Gray popular color and gray flannel pantolonlara “grayers” was called. Other fashionable colors : white, beige-and-line models. Flannel pants traditionally warm weather giyiliyordu. Young people all day flannel pants and yakaliklarla geziyorlardi.
Perhaps the simple styles thanks to the clothing industry in the 1920s a large growth was recorded. This produced clothing, everyone compatible with the rendition of reasonably priced clothing is more preferable.
in 1922, the countries in the first outdoor mall, “The Country Club” in Kansas City, Kansas, was opened. Today it is still the activity continues.
1930s... apparel to the demand is declining...
October 24, 1929, the great Wall Street Bunalimi'yla with fashion is also negatively affected. In this crisis the reason for monetary policy the inability of emerging as a result of the money supply of the absolute dusustu and 1932 year lasted until the end of widespread bank iflaslari and associated as the American Federal Reserve Bank money in the stock of the reduction in the onleyememesi of the crisis, the growth played a major role. This crisis after about 8 million people unemployed remained the suit allocated in the budget for the disappeared. The apparel industry in the budget narrowing of the scene was. women sewing in the event, the largest increase. Because the new one before fixing, yamalaniyordu. Apparel to the demand decreased, and the styles of the negative changes.
women's fashion in the 20's health and masculine, and the location of the image is more soft, feminine lines. Clothes heels up in the corresponding caught in the shoulder level. High waist again in the mainstream of defining more subtle, hips smaller began to appear. On the slopes of attention to detail.
Women elegance, finesse into the foreground, clothing mode for men, clothes human body big aimed to show. Shoulders vatkayla removed, clothes, arms or wrists to running out.
Double-breasted clothing to the increasing demand for modern business clothing revealed cikacaginin was the precursor. A broad-shouldered, yirtmacsiz jackets plenty of cut-long pants tamamliyordu. These outfits are grey, black, sea, or midnight blue.
In the winter, brown cheviot; the spring is fine wool into white, red, or blue tones of silk garments popular. At this time striped teams of men in the wardrobe of a standard element has become. Single, double, chalk, wide, narrow lines are preferred.
Women with a soft, all varieties of morning, and began to be used. Fur scarves, scarves, coats, various accessories, women's clothes embroidered.
Hats angle messing started, a beret instead of cloche hat caught, this period towards the end of the turban appeared.
Footwear to the toe and heel models showing, dance shoes, apartment heels, depending on the wrist, buckled models, the bag is also the beaded designs of fashion. 30 the end of the skin began to be used.
All of this delicacy and grace, although sports clothes is a masculine line won. Sportive garments, leather jackets fashion.
in 1935, President Roosevelt, the new agreement as a result of prosperity returned. The rebounding economy, business clothes, a new design tropez. This clothes wearing businessmen of the status of perfecting. The londoner was a tailor by developed for London Cut on behalf of this view outfit handles the shoulders wrists east scrutinizing, large pockets and buttons, broad, and the sharp yakalardan. Shoulder to shoulder ends a flush showed additional fabric sleeve, cavity filling, the shoulder area of a screen (drape) accounted for. This is a lot of details because of this, the team “London drape” or “drape cut”, as they are known.
Of course, the war, the end of the effects of a woman's fashion, there has been, men's fashions that a large percentage of the affected. Styles full of cuts and longer. This change, because at a time of war is against famine is a reaction. Long coats and full cut pants in the abundance and luxury, as a symbol of loomed. These clothes is more than gosterisliden, sensitive, until all the colors. Hand-painted is kravatlarinda popularity. Skyscrapers, exotic trees, limousines, rodeo, those who, sunset, and sometimes the pin-up girls kravatlarin to be seen on the sekillerdendi.
2. After world War ii, Paris high fashion restore the strength of the taking of the American designers sports clothing in the field of speed, reliability and respect for the won.
In the post-war fashion, one of the greatest changes of the men at the fashion daily shirts is adaptation. in 1946, and 47 in Hawaii or Carisca liners for the first time in California and Florida beaches worn. These shirts of bright colors to be accomplished and fruit, flowers, fire, woman, pictures of the sea.
The end of this period men uniformalardan yorulmuslardi and a new image they wanted to. American designers in the world of sports wear their hold on left. America's sports clothing trends in Europe began to implement.
The first time in history, young people's fashion, created, and old people follow them.
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